Cambridge Military Library

Cambridge Military Library
Cambridge Military Library
Cambridge Military Library
Cambridge Military Library
Cambridge Military Library
Cambridge Military Library
Cambridge Military Library
Cambridge Military Library
Cambridge Military Library
Cambridge Military Library
Cambridge Military Library
Cambridge Military Library
Cambridge Military Library
Cambridge Military Library
Cambridge Military Library
Cambridge Military Library
Cambridge Military Library
Cambridge Military Library

The architecturally striking brick structure, built in 1885-86 as part of the Royal Artillery Park complex, is named after Prince George, the Duke of Cambridge. It evolved from the Officers’ Garrison Library established in 1817 with funds appropriated from the Castine Fund created during the War of 1812. The library is an early example of British policy for overseas garrisons of provision of social, recreational and educational facilities for troops in active services and representative of the general modernization and consolidation of installations of the Halifax defence complex of the late 19th century. It has a lengthy record of serving the military community and the wider public community as a centre of social liaison.

The Cambridge Military Library is the oldest military library in Canada. In the 1860s the library holdings were augmented by a collection of books from Corfu, Greece, which originated from the garrison library in Messinia in 1810. By 1886 the library collection totalled 30,000 volumes.

Hours of operation:
10:00AM – 2:00PM

Appointments can be arranged for Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Contact Information:
Coral Peterson, Librarian


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